niedziela, 18 marca 2018

The style of Louis XIV → Styl Ludwika XIV.-> 1.


E: A round of parties kicks off in the new gardens at Versailles to celebrate French occupation of the Franche-Comté & King Louis XIV's new lover, Mme. de Montespan. Music by Lully is played in the gardens of the Porcelain Trianon, followed by an illuminated supper in the Salle des Festins.
P: W nowych ogrodach w Wersalu rozpoczyna się runda imprez z okazji francuskiej okupacji Franche-Comté i nowej kochanki króla Ludwika XIV, Mme. de Montespan. Muzyka Lully grana jest w ogrodach Porcelaine Trianon. Później następuje podświetlona kolacja w Salle des Festins.

E: The style of Louis XIV is also called the French baroque. He manifested mainly in palace architecture, garden art, interior decoration and artistic craftsmanship
as well as furniture and ceramics.

niedziela, 11 marca 2018

Heritage of Louis XIV → Dziedzictwo Ludwika XIV


E: The wars led by Louis XIV largely contributed
to the deep economic crisis that affected France during
the last dozen or so years of his reign. The economic slump was also due to crop failure, due to spontaneous catastrophes that hit agriculture in France in 1709
and a few years later. The crisis was very painful,
it manifested itself mainly in the decline in food production and the great pauperization of the population,
which caused the famine that affected whole
regions of the country.


niedziela, 4 marca 2018

Colonial expansion of Louis XIV → Ekspansja kolonialna Ludwika XIV

E: All these wars cost France a lot. The colonial expansion of France was also costly, with the French overseas property significantly increased during the reign of Louis XIV, including the western part of the island of Haiti → today's Haiti in the Caribbean → Formally the Spaniards relinquished this land to France under
 the Treaty of Ryswick.